Preferred Solution

The most common feedback received from Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Government Feasibility study included:

  • Protect parks and the environment

  • Don’t impact homes and property

  • Further study is required on alternatives to building a dam

  • More direct engagement is needed with property owners, and

  • Water management and operations are important to consider

In light of these comments and results from key findings of the Conceptual Assessment of the dam options, the preferred option is the Ghost Dam, or a review of modern alternatives to building a dam.

The Relocated Ghost Dam site reduces the challenges associated with the Glenbow East site as:

  • It serves Cochrane (as well as Calgary) for flood and drought mitigation

  • Little to no acquisition of private lands

  • Property values will not be impacted

  • Viewscapes will not be impacted

  • The old Ghost dam is 100 years old and needs to be upgraded and replaced

  • The railway tracks will only require minimal relocation and do not need the building of five trestle bridges

  • Air pollution from low water will not be an issue for Calgary residents

  • Estimated annual energy production is almost twice that of the Glenbow East Option